A multi, web-comic crossover that included Lightbringer, Linkara's own webcomic. Stranding him on a world with no technology or intelligent life, is very similar to how the villain The Smiling Man' was also punished in The Crossoverlord'.
Linkara has a very Doctor Who style "Eureka!" Moment about how to defeat Lord Vyce.
The control console Pollo fitted to Neutro is an NES Advantage a la Ghostbusters II.
The title card for the Top 15 Screw-Ups is modeled on Peachi's Persona 4 parody comic (specifically, Chie preparing to unleash the Trial of the Dragon on Yosuke).
The key to what!? The Key to Gozer? The Key to Time?" This isn't band camp, Mary, put the pole down. In the Warrior # 2-3 review, one of the mirror universes was one where both Linkara and Insano acted like Wiseau.
Linkara occasionally will impersonate Tommy Wiseau and greet someone with an "Oh hai".
Fridge Brilliance: Film Brain is British.
In a crossover/duel review of The Spirit with Film Brain, Film Brain not only locks the door with a sonic screwdriver but at the end Linkara delivers the Eleventh Doctor's Badass Boast from "Time of the Angels" almost verbatim.
Linkara had Mechakara also quote the Dalek emperor "this is not of my design," has used Doctor Who music in other places, showing K9 on screen and talked about stealing the TARDIS in his homage to Ask That Guy. One of the alternate-universe Insanos pulls out a Tennant-era sonic screwdriver and shoots another Insano with it in the Warrior 2 and 3 review.
In his video for Amazons Attack! #5 and #6 he underscores one of ( allegedly) Evil Genius Circe's hammy info dumps with a piece of music meant for a certain other scheming nutjob.
He is also aware of the existence of sesium-francolithic-mixi-alibidium-rixy-dixy-doxy-dexi-droxide.
In the "Alt Endings" of Silent Hill: Dying Inside, in a section which is itself a Shout-Out to Spoony's review of Phantasmagoria 2, Pollo tells Linkara " Nine, This is nine.
In his Pitt #1 review he does montages of great quotes from cop movies and TV shows including Dirty Harry and others, the first ending with " I was frozen today!," (a Shout-Out to The Nostalgia Critic) and the second ending with a blatant version of Horatio Caine's Quip to Black one liners from CSI: Miami, complete with the trappings from CSI: Dramatic Pause, sunglasses pull, and the show's intro! YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!.